Command Reference : Command Reference
Create a new page in the default workfile. The new page becomes the active page.
pagecreate(options) freq[(subperiod_opts)] start_date end_date [num_cross_sections]
pagecreate(options) u num_observations
pagecreate(id_method[,options]) id_list [@srcpage page_list]
pagecreate(idcross[,options]) id1 id2 [@srcpage page1 page2]
pagecreate(idcross[,options]) id1 @range(freq, start_date, end_date) [@srcpage page1]
These different forms of the pagecreate command encompass three distinct approaches to creating a new workfile page: (1) regular frequency description or unstructured data description; (2) using the union or intersection of unique values from one or more ID series in existing workfile pages; (3) using the cross of unique values from two identifier series or from an identifier series and a date range. Each of these approaches is described in greater detail below.
Regular Frequency or Unstructured Description
The first two forms of the command permit you to create a new workfile page using a regular frequency or unstructured description:
pagecreate(options) freq[(subperiod_opts)] start_date end_date [num_cross_sections]
pagecreate(options) u num_observations
The first form of the command should be employed to create a regular frequency page with the specified frequency, start, and end date. If you include the optional argument num_cross_sections, EViews will create a balanced panel page using integer identifiers for each of the cross-sections. Note that more complex panel structures may be defined using pagestruct.
The second form of the command creates an unstructured workfile with the specified number of observations.
Note that these forms of the command are analogous to wfcreate except that instead of creating a new workfile, we create a new page in the default workfile.
The freq argument should be specified using one of the following forms:
Sec[opt], 5Sec[opt], 15Sec[opt], 30Sec[opt]
Seconds in intervals of: 1, 5, 15, or 30 seconds, respectively. You may optionally specify days of the week and start and end times during the day using the opt parameter. See explanation of subperiod options below.
Min[opt], 2Min[opt], 5Min[opt], 10Min[opt], 15Min[opt], 20Min[opt], 30Min[[opt]
Minutes in intervals of: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes, respectively. You may optionally specify days of the week and start and end times during the day using the opt parameter. See explanation of subperiod options below.
H[opt], 2H[opt], 4H[opt], 6H[opt], 8H[opt], 12H[[opt]
Hours in intervals of: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 12 hours, respectively. You may optionally specify days of the week and start and end times during the day using the opt parameter. See explanation of subperiod options below.
D(s, e)
Daily with arbitrary days of the week. Specify the first and last days of the week with integers s and e, where Monday is given the number 1 and Sunday is given the number 7. (Note that the “D” option used to specify a 5-day frequency in versions prior to EViews 7).
D5 or 5
Daily with five days per week, Monday through Friday.
D7 or 7
Daily with seven days per week.
Ten-day (daily in intervals of ten).
A or Y
2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, 6Y, 7Y, 8Y, 9Y, 10Y, 20Y
Multi-year in intervals of: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 20 years, respectively.
Subperiod options
EViews allows for setting the days of the week and the time of day within intraday frequencies, which include seconds, minutes, and hours. For instance, you may specify hourly data between 8AM and 5PM on Monday through Wednesday. These subperiod options should follow the frequency keyword and be enclosed in parentheses.
To specify days of the week, use integers to indicate the days, where Monday is given the number 1 and Sunday is given the number 7. For example,
pagecreate(wf=strhours) 30MIN(1-6, 8:00-17:00) 1/3/2000 12/30/2000
indicates a half-hour frequency that includes Monday through Saturday from 8AM to 5PM.
To specify the start and end times, you may use either a 24 hour clock, including minutes and optionally seconds, or a 12 hour clock using AM and PM. For example, each of the following represents 8PM: 8PM, 8:00PM, 8:00:00PM, 20:00, and 20:00:00. Thus, our previous example could have been written:
pagecreate(wf=strhours) 30MIN(1-6, 8AM-5PM) 1/3/2000 12/30/2000
Note that day and time ranges may be delimited by either commas or dashes. So this command is also equivalent to:
pagecreate(wf=strhours) 30MIN(1,6, 8AM,5PM) 1/3/2000 12/30/2000
though you will likely find the dashes easier to read.
If you wish to include all days of the week but would like to specify a start and end time, set the date range to include all days and then specify the times. The day of the week parameter appears first and is required if you wish to supply the time of day parameters. For instance,
pagecreate(wf=storehours) 30MIN(1-7, 10AM-3PM) 1/3/2000 12/30/2000
indicates a half-hour frequency from 10AM to 3PM on all days of the week.
You may also include a time with the start and end date parameters to specify partial days at the beginning or end of the workfile. For example,
pagecreate(wf=strhours) 30MIN(1-6, 8AM-5PM) 1/3/2000 10AM 12/30/2000 2PM
creates the same workfile page as above, but limits the first day, 1/3/2000, to 10AM - 5PM and the last day, 12/30/2000, to 8AM - 2PM.
Unique Values from a Set of Identifier Series
The next form of the command allows for creating pages from the unique values of one or more identifier series found in one or more workfile pages:
pagecreate(id_method[,options]) identifier_list [@srcpage page_list]
The identifier_list should include one or more ID series. If more than one ID series is provided, EViews will use the values that are unique across all of the series. If you wish to create a page with a date structure, you should specify one of your identifiers using the special “@DATE” keyword identifier, enclosing the series (or the date ID component series) inside parentheses. If you wish to use the date ID values from the source workfile page, you may use the “@DATE” keyword without arguments.
The id_method describes how to handle unique ID values that differ across multiple pages:
Use the observed values of the series in the identifier_list in specified page.
Use the union of the observed values of the series in the identifier_list in the specified pages.
Use the intersection of the observed values of the series in the identifier_list in the specified pages.
If the optional source page or list of source pages is not provided, EViews will use the default workfile page. Note that if a single workfile page is used, the two ID methods yield identical results.
Cross of Unique Values from Two Identifier Series or from an Identifier Series and a Date Range
The last two forms of the command create a new page by crossing the unique values in two ID series located in one or more pages, or by crossing an ID series from one page with a date range. First, you may specify a pair of identifiers, and optionally source pages where they are located,
pagecreate(idcross[,options]) id1 id2 [@srcpage page1 page2]
You may instruct EViews to create a date structured page by specifying one of your two identifiers using a “@DATE” specification as described above.
Alternately, you may provide a single identifier and a range specification using the “@RANGE” keyword with a freq, start_date, and end_date, and optionally, the location of the identifier series.
pagecreate(idcross[,options]) id1 @range(freq, start_date, end_date) [@srcpage page1]
Specifies an optional sample identifying which observations to use when creating a page using the id_method option. Either provide the sample range in double quotes or specify a named sample object. The default is “@all”. When multiple source workfiles are involved, the specified sample must be valid for all workfiles.
Optional name for the newly created page. If not provided, EViews will use the next available name of the form “Untitled##”, where ## is a number.
Optional name for the new workfile. If not provided, EViews will create a new page in the default workfile.
Force the dialog to appear from within a program.
Regular Frequency or Unstructured Description
The two commands:
pagecreate(page=annual) a 1950 2005
pagecreate(page=unstruct) u 1000
create new pages in the existing workfile. The first page is an annual page named ANNUAL, containing data from 1950 to 2005; the second is a 1000 observation unstructured page named UNSTRUCT.
pagecreate(page=mypanel) a 1935 1954 10
creates a new workfile page named MYPANEL, containing a 10 cross-section annual panel for the years 1935 to 1954.
pagecreate(page=fourday) D(1,4) 1/3/2000 12/31/2000
specifies a daily workfile page from January 3, 2000 to December 31, 2000, including only Monday through Thursday. The day range may be delimited by either a comma or a dash, such that
pagecreate(wf=fourday) D(1-4) 1/3/2000 12/31/2000
is equivalent to the previous command.
pagecreate(wf=captimes) 15SEC(2-4) 1/3/2000 12/30/2000
creates a workfile page with 15 second intervals on Tuesday through Thursday only, from 1/3/2000 to 12/30/2000.
Unique Values from a Set of Identifier Series
pagecreate(id, page=statepage) state
creates a new page STATEIND using the distinct values of STATE in the current workfile page.
pagecreate(id, page=statepage) state industry
creates a new page named STATEIND, using the distinct STATE/INDUSTRY values in the active page.
pagecreate(id, page=stateyear) state @date(year)
pagecreate(id, page=statemonth) @date(year, month)
use STATE, along with YEAR, and the YEAR and MONTH series respectively, to form identifiers that will be used in creating the new dated workfile pages.
pagecreate(id, smpl="if sex=1") crossid @date
creates a new page using CROSSID and existing date ID values of the active workfile page. Note that only observations in the subsample defined by “@all if sex=1” are used to determine the unique values.
pagecreate(id, page=AllStates, smpl="if sex=""Female""") stateid @srcpage north south east west
creates a new page ALLSTATES structured using the union of the unique values of STATEID from the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST workfile pages that are in the sample “if sex="Female"”. Note the use of the double quote escape character for the double quotes in the sample string.
pagecreate(idintersect, page=CommonStates, smpl="1950 2005") stateid @srcpage page1 page2 page3
creates a new page name COMMONSTATES structured using the intersection of the unique values of STATEID taken from the pages PAGE1, PAGE2, and PAGE3.
Cross of Unique Values from Two Identifier Series or from an Identifier Series and a Date Range
pagecreate(idcross,page=UndatedPanel) id1 id2 @srcpage page1 page2
will add the new page UNDATEDPANEL to the current workfile. UNDATEDPANEL will be structured as an undated panel using values from the cross of ID1 from PAGE1 and ID2 from PAGE2.
To create a dated page using the “idcross” option, you must tag one of the identifiers using an “@DATE” specification:
pagecreate(idcross,page=AnnualPanel) id1 @date(year) @srcpage page1 page2
You may also specify the cross of an identifier with a date range:
pagecreate(idcross,page=QuarterlyPanel) id1 @range(q, 1950, 2006) @srcpage page1
creates a quarterly panel page named QUARTERLYPANEL using the cross of ID1 taken from PAGE1, and quarterly observations from 1950q1 to 2006q4.
See “Creating a Workfile” for discussion.
See also wfcreate and pagedelete.