Compute population (non-d.f. corrected) covariance between two vectors, or between the columns of a matrix.
Syntax: @covp(v1, v2)
v1: vector, rowvector, or series
v2: vector, rowvector, or series
Return: scalar
Syntax: @covp(o)
o: matrix object or group
Return: sym
Compute covariances using

as the divisor in the moment calculation.
For series and group calculations, EViews will use the current workfile sample.
If used with two vector or series objects, @covp returns the population covariance between the two vectors or series.
scalar sc1 = @covp(v1, v2)
If used with a matrix object or group, @covp calculates the population covariance matrix between the columns of the matrix object.
sym s1 = @covp(mat1)
See also
@cov, and