Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: D
Number of calendar days in observation.
Syntax: @daycount(d)
d: string, alpha
Return: series
Returns the number of calendar days within each observation of the workfile.
The optional d argument lets you specify an individual day or range of days of the week to count (e.g., “Mon”, “Tues-Thurs”, or “Fri Sat”).
If only one weekday is provided, @daycount returns the number of times that particular weekday occurs within the observation.
If two weekdays are provided, @daycount returns the number of times that any weekday between the two weekdays (inclusive) occurs within the observation.
If the workfile is undated, the function with return NAs.
series modays = @daycount("Mon")
creates a series with the number of Mondays in each observation.
series wkdays = @daycount(Mon Fri)
fills WKDAYS with the number of weekdays, while
series wenddays = @daycount("Sat Sun")
counts the number of weekend days in each observation.
workfile m 2020 2022
smpl if @daycount("Sat") > 4
creates a monthly workfile, and sets the sample to those months with 5 Saturdays.
See also @weekday.