Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: D
Wishart probability density.
Syntax: @dwish(X, S, n)
@dwishc(X, S, n)
@dwishi(X, S, n)
@dwishic(X, S, n)
X: sym,
S: sym, matrix,
n: number,
Return: number
Evaluate the Wishart distribution density function for sym values of X, and .
The Wishart density is given by
where and are symmetric matrices, and .
There are four different forms of the density evaluation function, corresponding to different ways of specifying . The forms are distinguished by different suffixes that are applied to the base “@dwish” command and how they change the interpretation of the S matrix argument:
Supply .
Supply the Cholesky decomposition of .
This form is more efficient when performing multiple draws from the same distribution (compute the Cholesky once, but sample many times).
Supply .
This form is more efficient than explicitly inverting to supply .
Supply the Cholesky decomposition of .
This form combines the efficiencies of the Cholesky and inverse forms.
is generally thought of as the accumulated scatter matrix of n random draws from , i.e., ,
though the mathematical definition has been extended to cover real-valued n.
Note that if is a Wishart random variable, then follows an inverse Wishart distribution:
= @dwish(@identity(3), @identity(3), 5)
returns 0.00018....
See also @rwish, @diwish, and @riwish.