Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: E
Function Reference: E
@ebtw Element by element test for whether values are between two other values.
@ediv Element by element division of two matrices.
@eeq Element by element equality comparison of two data objects.
@eeqna Element by element equality comparison of two data objects with NAs treated as ordinary value for comparison.
@ege Element by element tests for whether the elements in the data objects are greater than or equal to corresponding elements in another data object.
@egt Element by element tests for whether the elements in the data object strictly greater than corresponding elements in another data object.
@eigenvalues Vector of eigenvalues of a sym.
@eigenvectors Matrix whose columns contain the eigenvectors of a matrix.
@einv Element by element inverses of a matrix.
@eisna Element by element missing value tests of data objects.
@ele Element by element tests for whether the elements in the data object are less than or equal to corresponding elements in another data object.
@elimin Elimination matrix.
@elt Element by element tests for whether the elements in the data object are strictly less than corresponding elements in another data object.
@emax Element by element maximums of two conformable data objects.
@emin Element by element minimums of two conformable data objects.
@emult Element by element multiplication of two matrix objects.
@enddate Last possible date of observation.
@eneq Element by element inequality comparison of two data objects.
@eneqna Element by element inequality comparison of two data objects with NAs treated as ordinary value for comparison.
@enisna Element by element non-missing value tests of data objects.
@env Windows environment variable string.
@epow Raises each element in a matrix to a power.
@eqna Test for equality of values, treating NAs and null strings as ordinary and not missing values.
@equaloption Equals-to option value provided in the exec or run commands.
@erecode Element by element recode of matrices.
@erf Error function (Gauss error function).
@erfc Complementary (Gauss) error function.
@errorcount Number of errors encountered running a program.
@event Event identifier for observation.
@evpath Directory path of the EViews executable.
@exp Exponential function.
exp Exponential function.
@explode Square matrix from a sym matrix object.
@expm1 Exponential function minus.