Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: P
Indicators for whether a observation in a workfile page is in an index.
Syntax: @pageinidx(x)
x: vector
Return: vector
Returns a vector containing (0,1) boolean values for whether each observation in the current workfile page is specified in x, where x contains the indices of observations.
wfcreate(wf=qwf) q 2001 2024
vector id1 = @pageidx("2010q2 2010q3 2021q1 2023q4")
vector include = @pageinidx(id1)
creates a workfile containing quarter observations from 2001 to 2024, identifies the index values for four specific dates and then obtains the vector INCLUDE which has the value of 1 for those four dates, and 0 otherwise.
One useful application of this indicator vector is setting the workfile sample. Since ID1 is the same length as the current page, the commands
vector include = @pageinidx(id1)
mtos(include, keep)
smpl if keep=1
set the current workfile sample to include only the four observations specified above.
See also @pageidx, @pagesmplidx, and mtos.