State Space Models and the Kalman Filter
The EViews sspace (state space) object provides a straightforward, easy-to-use interface for specifying, estimating, and working with the results of your single or multiple equation dynamic system. EViews provides a wide range of specification, filtering, smoothing, and other forecasting tools which aid you in working with dynamic systems specified in state space form.
A wide range of time series models, including the classical linear regression model and ARIMA models, can be written and estimated as special cases of a state space specification. State space models have been applied in the econometrics literature to model unobserved variables: (rational) expectations, measurement errors, missing observations, permanent income, unobserved components (cycles and trends), and the non-accelerating rate of unemployment. Extensive surveys of applications of state space models in econometrics can be found in Hamilton (1994a, Chapter 13; 1994b) and Harvey (1989, Chapters 3, 4).
There are two main benefits to representing a dynamic system in state space form. First, the state space allows unobserved variables (known as the state variables) to be incorporated into, and estimated along with, the observable model. Second, state space models can be analyzed using a powerful recursive algorithm known as the Kalman (Bucy) filter. The Kalman filter algorithm has been used, among other things, to compute exact, finite sample forecasts for Gaussian ARMA models, multivariate (vector) ARMA models, MIMIC (multiple indicators and multiple causes), and time varying (random) coefficient models.