Exporting Graphs to Files
You may use the
Graph::save proc of a graph object to save the graph as a Windows metafile (.wmf), Enhanced Windows metafile (.emf), PostScript file (.eps), bitmap (.bmp), Graphics Interchange Format (.gif), Joint Photographics Exchange Group (.jpg), Portable Network Graphics (.png), LaTeX (.tex), Markdown (.md), or Moving Picture Experts Group-4 (.mp4) file.
You must specify a file name and file type, and may also provide the file height, width, units of measurement, and color use. PostScript files also allow you to save the graph with or without a bounding box and to specify portrait or landscape orientation. For instance:
graph11.save(t=postscript, u=cm, w=12, -box) MyGraph1
saves GRAPH11 in the default directory as a PostScript file “MyGraph1.EPS”, with a width of 12 cm and no bounding box. The height is determined by holding the aspect ratio of the graph constant. Similarly:
graph11.save(t=emf, u=pts, w=300, h=300, -c) c:\data\MyGraph2
saves GRAPH11 as an Enhanced Windows metafile “Mygraph2.EMF”. The graph is saved in black and white, and scaled to
graph11.save(t=png, u=in, w=5, d=300) MyGraph3
saves GRAPH11 in the default directory as a PNG file “Mygra3.PNG”. The image will be 5 inches wide at 300 dpi.
graph11.save(t=gif, u=pixels, w=500) MyGraph4
saves GRAPH11 in a 500 pixel wide GIF file, “Mygraph4.GIF”.