Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Pool
Panel cointegration tests.
pool_name.coint(option) pool_ser1 pool_ser2 [pool_ser3]...
Follow the pool name with the coint keyword, any options, and a list of two or more ordinary or pool series.
You may specify the type using one of the following keywords:
Pedroni (default)
Pedroni (1994 and 2004).
Kao (1999)
Fisher - pooled Johansen
Depending on the type selected above, the following may be used to indicate deterministic trends:
const (default)
Include a constant in the test equation.
Applicable to Pedroni and Kao tests.
Include a constant and a linear time trend in the test equation.
Applicable to Pedroni tests.
Do not include a constant or time trend.
Applicable to Pedroni tests.
No deterministic trend in the data, and no intercept or trend in the cointegrating equation.
Applicable to Fisher tests.
No deterministic trend in the data, and an intercept but no trend in the cointegrating equation.
Applicable to Fisher tests.
Linear trend in the data, and an intercept but no trend in the cointegrating equation.
Applicable to Fisher tests.
Linear trend in the data, and both an intercept and a trend in the cointegrating equation.
Applicable to Fisher tests.
Quadratic trend in the data, and both an intercept and a trend in the cointegrating equation.
Applicable to Fisher tests.
Additional options:
ac=arg (default= “bt”)
Method of estimating the frequency zero spectrum: “bt” (Bartlett kernel), “pr” (Parzen kernel), “qs” (Quadratic Spectral kernel).
Applicable to Pedroni and Kao tests.
band=arg (default= “nw”)
Method of selecting the bandwidth, where arg may be “nw” (Newey-West automatic variable bandwidth selection), or a number indicating a user-specified common bandwidth.
Applicable to Pedroni and Kao tests.
For Pedroni and Kao tests, the method of selecting lag length (number of first difference terms) to be included in the residual regression. For Fisher tests, a pair of numbers indicating lag.
info=arg (default= “sic”)
Information criterion to use when computing automatic lag length selection: “aic” (Akaike), “sic” (Schwarz), “hqc” (Hannan-Quinn).
Applicable to Pedroni and Kao tests.
Maximum lag length to consider when performing automatic lag length selection, where int is an integer. The
where is the length of the cross-section.
Applicable to Pedroni and Kao tests.
disp=arg (default=500)
Maximum number of individual results to be displayed.
Force the dialog to appear from within a program.
Print results.
pool01.coint(fisher,lag=1 2,c) y? x1? x2?
performs a Johansen test for pool series Y?, X1?, and X2? with a lag of 1 to 2 and linear trend in the data, and an intercept but no trend in the cointegrating equation is assumed as exogenous variables.
See “References” for details on panel cointegration testing. See also Pool::uroot.