Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Pool
Create system from a pool object.
pool_name.makesystem(options) y [x1 x2 x3 ...] [@cxeg w1 w2 ...] [@inst z1 z2 ...] [@cxinst z3 z4 ...]
Creates a system out of the pool equation specification. Each cross-section in the pool will be used to form an equation. The pool variable y is the dependent variable. The [x1 x2 x3 ...] list consists of regressors with common coefficients in the system. The @cxreg list are regressors with different coefficients in each cross-section. The list of variables that follow @inst are the common instruments. The list of variables that follow @cxinst are the equation specific instruments.
Note that period specific coefficients and effects are not available in this routine.
Specify name for the system object.
Force the dialog to appear from within a program.
pool1.makesystem(name=sys1) inv? cap? @inst val?
creates a system named SYS1 with INV? as the dependent variable and a common intercept for each cross-section member. The regressor CAP? is restricted to have the same coefficient in each equation, while the VAL? regressor has a different coefficient in each equation.
pool1.makesystem(name=sys2,cx=f) inv? @cxreg cap? @cxinst @trend inv?(-1)
This command creates a system named SYS2 with INV? as the dependent variable and a different intercept for each cross-section member equation. The regressor CAP? enters each equation with a different coefficient and each equation has two instrumental variables @TREND and INV? lagged.
See “System Estimation” for a discussion of system objects in EViews.