Performs Facebook’s Prophet forecasting on the underlying series.
Prophet requires the Prophet Python library installed with EViews.
series_name.prophet(options) forecast_name [lower_name upper_name]
Enter a name for the forecast series, and optionally, a name for the lower and upper bounds of the forecast.
cpscale=number | Set the change point prior scale. |
growth=arg | Set the growth type. arg can be “linear” (default) or “log”. |
season=arg | Set the seasonality type. arg can be “add” (additive, default) or “mult” (multiplicative). |
f=arg | Out-of-forecast-sample fill behavior: “actual” (fill observations outside the forecast sample with actual values for the fitted variable), “na” (fill observations outside the forecast sample with missing values, default), or “forc” (fill training-data observations with in-sample forecasts, and other data with NA). |
prompt | Force the dialog to appear from within a program. |
Forecast sample options
The forecast sample will start at the observation immediately after the estimation sample (the current workfile sample). The forecast endpoint is given by either:
forclen=int | Number of periods to forecast. |
forc=“date” | Specify the date of the forecast end point. |
If omitted, the end point will be the end of the workfile range.
elecdmd.prophet(f=actual) elec_f elec_l elec_u
This will execute the Facebook Prophet routine on the ELECDMD series, inserting the actual values for out-of-forecast sample observations. The forecasted values will be stored in the new series ELEC_F, with the lower and upper bounds to the forecast being stored in ELEC_L and ELEC_U respectively.