Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Spool
Adds an object folder to a spool.
spool_name.addfolder(options) folder_name
Should an object or folder with the same name as folder_name already exist, the next available number will be appended to the folder_name.
Note: folders cannot be added to spool objects that are nested inside other spool objects.
The options below are used to specify a point of insertion for the folder being added. If a point of insertion is not specified, the folder is appended to the bottom of the spool.
arg may be an integer position in the spool or the name of an existing object in the spool. The inserted object will be placed before or after arg, as specified by the offset option below.
offset=arg, (default= “before”)
arg indicates where the object should be inserted relative to the object specified in the “loc=” option above. arg may be “before” (default) or “after”.
spool01.addfolder tables
adds a folder named TABLES to the end of the SPOOL01 object.
Given that the object GR1 already exists in SPOOL1,
spool01.addfolder(loc=gr1) output
inserts a folder named OUTPUT in the current location of GR1.
See Spool::move for adding and removing objects to and from a folder. For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.