Spool object. Container for output objects.
Spool Declaration
spool create spool object.
To declare a spool object, use the keyword spool, followed by the object name:
spool myspool
In addition, you may create a new spool by redirecting print jobs to the spool
output(s) mynewspool
Spool Views
display display the contents of the spool.
label label information for the spool object.
Spool Procs
append append objects to a spool.
clearhist clear the contents of the history attribute.
comment assign a comment to an object in a spool.
copy creates a copy of the spool.
displayname assign a display name to an object in a spool.
extract extract a copy of an object in a spool.
flatten remove tree hierarchy from the spool or specified embedded spool.
graphmode set the display mode for graphs in the spool.
hide hides objects of specified type.
horizindent sets the horizontal indentation for the spool.
insert insert objects into a spool.
leftmargin sets the left margin of the spool or a specified embedded spool.
move move an object in the spool.
name rename an object in a spool.
olepush push updates to OLE linked objects in open applications.
options set display options for a spool.
print print an object in a spool.
remove remove objects from a spool.
save save spool object to disk as an a tab-delimited ASCII text, CSV, RTF or LaTeX file.
setattr set the value of an object attribute.
setfont set the font for title and comments.
setzoom set the zoom level of the spool default display view.
show displays objects of specified type.
tablemode set the display mode for tables and text objects in the spool.
title assign or change the title of a spool.
topmargin sets the top margin of the spool or a specified embedded spool.
vertindent sets the vertical indentation for the spool.
vertspacing sets the amount of vertical spacing between objects in the spool.
width change or reset the width of an object in the spool.
Spool Data Members
String Values
@attr("arg") string containing the value of the arg attribute, where the argument is specified as a quoted string.
@description string containing the Spool’s description (if available).
@detailedtype string with the object type: “SPOOL”.
@displayname string containing the Spool’s display name. If the Spool has no display name set, the name is returned.
@name string containing the Spool’s name.
@objname(i) string containing name of the i-th object in the spool.
@objtype(i) string containing type of the i-th object in the spool (“graph”, “table”, “text”, “spool”).
@remarks string containing the Spool’s remarks (if available).
@type string with the object type: “SPOOL”.
@updatetime string representation of the time and date at which the Spool was last updated.
Scalar Values
@count number of base objects in the spool.
@totalcount number of objects in a flattened version of the spool.
Spool Examples
spool myspool
myspool.append ser1.line
myspool.insert(offset=first) ser2.line
myspool.displayname untitled01 "Unemployment Rate"
myspool.options displaynames