New Features in EViews 14 : EViews Compatibility Notes
EViews Compatibility Notes
Workfile Compatibility
The following discussion describes EViews 14 compatibility issues for users of earlier versions.
Workfile Compatibility
With few exceptions, EViews 14 workfiles are backward compatible with EViews 13. Note that the following are new or have been modified in Version 13:
Estimation objects estimated with methods that employ new or significantly updated features (quantile ARDL, elastic net, variable selection with Lasso, MIDAS GARCH).
If you have saved workfiles containing any of the above objects and open them in earlier versions, EViews will delete the incompatible object and notify you that one or more objects were not read. If you then save the workfile, you will lose the objects. We recommend that you make a copy of any workfiles that contain these objects if you would like to use these workfiles in earlier versions of EViews.
Note also that some estimation objects written in earlier versions of EViews will only be partially read into EViews 14:
Equations estimated using elastic net or variable selection with Lasso will require re-estimation before use.