Function Reference: X
@xgetstr String value from the external application.
@xgetnum Scalar numeric value from the external application.
@xputnames List of objects created in foreign application using XPUT.
@xtype Type of active external connection.
@xverstr External application version number as a string.
@xvernum External application version number as a number.
Returns a string from the external application.
Syntax: @xgetstr(arg)
arg string
Return: string
returns the contents of arg in the external application. This function is similar to XGET but does not require a workfile object to store the value.
%y = @xgetstr("ss")
Returns a scalar value from the external application.
Syntax: @xgetnum(arg)
arg string
Return: scalar
returns the contents of arg in the external application. This function is similar to XGET but does not require a workfile object to store the value.
!val = @xgetnum("ee")
List of objects created in foreign application using XPUT.
Syntax: @xputnames
Return: string
returns a space delimited list containing the names of objects created in a foreign application using the last
xput command.
In most cases this list will contain EViews object names, but in cases where the object had a name that was not valid in the foreign application, it will return the name that was created.
If you issue the commands:
xput X Y LOG(Z)
string a = @xputnames
The string object A will contain "X Y LOG_Z".
“EViews COM Automation Client Support (MATLAB, R, Python)” for discussion. See also
“External Program Interface” for global options setting of the default case for names.
Type of external connection.
Syntax: @xtype
Return: string
Returns the string describing the type of the active external application:
• R connections return “rconn”.
• Matlab returns “m”.
• Python returns “pyconn”.
Returns an empty string if no external connection is active.
string y = @xtype
returns “pyconn” if the external application type is Python.
Syntax: @xverstr
Return: string
Returns the external application version number as a string.
%y = @xverstr
Syntax: @xgetstr(string)
Return: scalar
Returns the external application version number as a number.
!i = @xvernum