Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: X
Function Reference: X
@xgetstr String value from the external application.
@xgetnum Scalar numeric value from the external application.
@xputnames List of objects created in foreign application using XPUT.
@xtype Type of active external connection.
@xverstr External application version number as a string.
@xvernum External application version number as a number.
Returns a string from the external application.
Syntax: @xgetstr(arg)
arg string
Return: string
returns the contents of arg in the external application. This function is similar to XGET but does not require a workfile object to store the value.
%y = @xgetstr("ss")
Returns a scalar value from the external application.
Syntax: @xgetnum(arg)
arg string
Return: scalar
returns the contents of arg in the external application. This function is similar to XGET but does not require a workfile object to store the value.
!val = @xgetnum("ee")
List of objects created in foreign application using XPUT.
Syntax: @xputnames
Return: string
returns a space delimited list containing the names of objects created in a foreign application using the last xput command.
In most cases this list will contain EViews object names, but in cases where the object had a name that was not valid in the foreign application, it will return the name that was created.
If you issue the commands:
xput X Y LOG(Z)
string a = @xputnames
The string object A will contain "X Y LOG_Z".
See “EViews COM Automation Client Support (MATLAB, R, Python)” for discussion. See also “External Program Interface” for global options setting of the default case for names.
See also xput.
Type of external connection.
Syntax: @xtype
Return: string
Returns the string describing the type of the active external application:
R connections return “rconn”.
Matlab returns “m”.
Python returns “pyconn”.
Returns an empty string if no external connection is active.
string y = @xtype
returns “pyconn” if the external application type is Python.
Syntax: @xverstr
Return: string
Returns the external application version number as a string.
%y = @xverstr
Syntax: @xgetstr(string)
Return: scalar
Returns the external application version number as a number.
!i = @xvernum