Support Commands
addin register a program file as an EViews Add-in.
adduo register a user object.
clearerrs sets the current program error count to 0.
commandcap send text to the command capture window.
deleteaddin unregister a program file as an EViews Add-in.
logclear clears the log window of a program.
logclose closes one or more or all message log windows.
logeval sends result of the command to a log window.
logmode sets logging of specified messages.
logmsg adds a line of text to the program log.
logsave saves the program log to a text file.
open opens a program file from disk.
optimize find the solution to a user-defined optimization problem.
output redirects print output to objects or files.
poff turns off automatic printing in programs.
pon turns on automatic printing in programs.
saveprgini saves program variables in“.ini” file .
seterr sets a user-specified execution error.
seterrcount sets the current program execution error count.
setmaxerrs sets the maximum number of errors that a program may encounter before execution is halted.
spawn spawn a new process.
toc display elapsed time (since timer reset) in seconds.
xclose close an open connection to an external application.
xget retrieve data from an external application into an EViews object.
xlog switch on or off the external application log inside EViews.
xoff turns off mode that sends all subsequent command lines to the external program
xon turns on mode that sends all subsequent command lines to the external program
xopen open a connection to an external application.
xpackage installs the specified R package in the current external R connection
xput send an EViews object to an external application.
xrun run a command in an external application.