forceval |
mean | Include the Mean averaging method. |
trmean | Include the Trimmed mean averaging method. |
median | Include the Median averaging method. |
ols | Include the Least-squares averaging method. |
mse | Include the Mean Square Error averaging method. |
mseranks | Include the MSE ranks averaging method. |
aic | Include the Smoothed AIC weights averaging method. Only applicable if forecast_data is a list of equation objects. |
sic | Include the Bayesian model averaging method. Only applicable if forecast_data is a list of equation objects. |
trim=num | Set the level of trimming for the Trimmed mean method. Num should be a number between 1 and 100. Only applicable if the “trmean” option is used. |
msepwr=int | Set the power to which the MSE values are raised in the MSE ranks method. Only applicable if the “mseranks” option is used. |
s | Use a static (rather than dynamic) forecast when computing the forecasts over the training sample. Only applicable if forecast_data is a list of equation objects. |
trainsmpl=arg | Specify the sample used for calculating the averaging weights. Only applicable if the “ols”, “mse”, “mseranks”, “aic” or “sic” options are used. |
testname=arg | Save the combination test statistics into a matrix named arg. |
statname=arg | Save the names of the best performing forecasts into an svector named arg. |