uroot |
exog=arg (default=“const”) | Specification of exogenous trend variables in the test equation: “const” “trend” (include a constant and a linear time trend), “none” (do not include any exogenous regressors). |
dif=integer (default=0) | Order of differencing of the series prior to running the test. Valid values are {0, 1, 2}. |
adf (default) | Augmented Dickey-Fuller. |
dfgls | GLS detrended Dickey-Fuller (Elliot, Rothenberg, and Stock). |
pp | Phillips-Perron. |
kpss | Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin. |
ers | Elliot, Rothenberg, and Stock (Point Optimal). |
np | Ng and Perron. |
const, c (default) | Include a constant in the test equation. |
trend, t | Include a constant and a linear time trend in the test equation. |
none, n | Do not include a constant or time trend (only available for the ADF and PP tests). |
hac=arg (default=varies) | Method of estimating the frequency zero spectrum: “bt” (Bartlett kernel), “pr” (Parzen kernel), “qs” (Quadratic Spectral kernel), “ar” (AR spectral), “ardt (AR spectral - OLS detrended data), “argls” (AR spectral - GLS detrended data). The default settings are test specific (“bt” for PP and KPSS tests, “ar” for ERS, “argls” for NP). |
lagmethod=arg (default=“sic”) | Method for selecting lag length (number of first difference terms) to be included in the Dickey-Fuller test regression or number of lags in the AR spectral density estimator: “aic” (Akaike), “sic” (Schwarz), “hqc” (Hannan-Quinn), “msaic” (Modified Akaike), “msic” (Modified Schwarz), “mhqc” (Modified Hannan-Quinn), “tstat” (Ng-Perron first backward significant t-statistic). |
lag=integer | Use-specified fixed lag. |
maxlag=integer | Maximum lag length to consider when performing automatic lag length selection. default= ![]() |
lagpval=arg (default=0.1) | Probability value for use in the t-statistic automatic lag selection method (“lagmethod = tstat”). |
band = arg, b=arg (default=“nw”) | Method of selecting the bandwidth: “nw” (Newey-West automatic variable bandwidth selection), “a” (Andrews automatic selection), number (user specified bandwidth). |
prompt | Force the dialog to appear from within a program. |
p | Print output from the test. |
exog=arg (default=“const”) | Specification of exogenous trend variables in the test equation: “const” (constant),“trend” (include a constant and a linear time trend), “none” (do not include exogenous regressors). |
dif=integer (default=0) | Order of differencing of the series prior to running the test. Valid values are {0, 1, 2}. |
balance | Use balanced (across cross-sections or series) data when performing test. |
sum (default) | Summary of all of the panel unit root tests. |
llc | Levin, Lin, and Chu. |
breit | Breitung. |
ips | Im, Pesaran, and Shin. |
adf | Fisher - ADF. |
pp | Fisher - PP. |
hadri | Hadri. |
const, c (default) | Include a constant in the test equation. |
trend, t | Include a constant and a linear time trend in the test equation. |
none, n | Do not include a constant or time trend (only available for the ADF and PP tests). |
lagmethod=arg (default=“sic”) | Method for selecting lag lengths (number of first difference terms) to be included in the Dickey-Fuller test regressions: “aic” (Akaike), “sic” (Schwarz), “hqc” (Hannan-Quinn), “tstat” (Ng-Perron first backward significant t-statistic). |
lag=arg | Specified lag length (number of first difference terms) to be included in the regression: integer (user-specified common lag length), vector_name (user-specific individual lag length, one row per cross-section). |
maxlag=arg | Maximum lag length to consider when performing automatic lag length selection: integer (common maximum lag length), or vector_name (individual maximum lag length, one row per cross-section). The default setting produces individual maximum lags of, default= ![]() where ![]() |
lagpval=arg (default=0.1) | Probability value for use in the t-statistic automatic lag selection method (when “lagmethod = tstat”). |
hac=arg (default=“bt”) | Method of estimating the frequency zero spectrum: “bt” (Bartlett kernel), “pr” (Parzen kernel), “qs” (Quadratic Spectral kernel), |
band = arg, b=arg (default=“nw”) | Method of selecting the bandwidth: “nw” (Newey-West automatic variable bandwidth selection), “a” (Andrews automatic selection), number (user-specified common bandwidth), vector_name (user-specified individual bandwidths, one row for each cross-section). |
prompt | Force the dialog to appear from within a program. |
p | Print output from the test. |