User’s Guide : Multiple Equation Analysis : Vector Error Correction Models (VECMs) : Views and Procs of a VEC
Views and Procs of a VEC
Cointegrating Relations
Views and procs available for VECs are mostly the same as those available for VARs ( “Views and Procs of a VAR”). There are a few routines that are specific to VECs.
Cointegrating Relations
The Cointegration Graph view displays a graph of the estimated cointegrating relations as used in the VEC. To display the graph, select View/Cointegration Graph from the menu of the estimated VEC.
To store these estimated cointegrating relations as named series in the workfile, use Proc/Make Cointegration Group. EViews will create and display an untitled group object containing the estimated cointegrating relations as named series. These series are named COINTEQ01, COINTEQ02 and so on.