Display a seasonal line graph view.
seasplot displays a paneled line graph view of a series or column ordered by season. This view is only available for workfiles with quarterly, monthly, or semi-annual frequencies.
seasplot(options) o1 [o2 o3 ... ]
where o1, o2, ..., are series or group objects.
m | Plot seasons using multiple overlayed lines. |
Template and printing options
o=template | Use appearance options from the specified template. template may be a predefined template keyword (“default” - current global defaults, “classic”, “modern”, “reverse”, “midnight”, “spartan”, “monochrome”) or a graph in the workfile. |
t=graph_name | Use appearance options and copy text and shading from the specified graph. |
b / -b | [Apply / Remove] bold modifiers of the base template style specified using the “o=” option above. |
w / -w | [Apply / Remove] wide modifiers of the base template style specified using the “o=” option above. |
reset | Resets all graph options to the global defaults. May be used to remove existing customization of the graph. |
p | Print the bar graph. |
The options which support the “–” may be preceded by a “+” or “–” indicating whether to turn on or off the option. The “+” is optional.
seasplot ipnsa ipnsb
displays a paneled seasonal plot of the series IPNSA and IPNSB.
freeze(gra_ip) ipnsa.seasplot
creates a graph object named GAR_IP that contains the paneled seasonal line graph view of the series IPNSA.
freeze(gra_ip2) ipnsa.seasplot(m)
creates GRA_IP2 containing the multiple line seasonal graph view of the series.
“Seasonal Graphs” for a brief discussion of seasonal line graphs.
“Graphing Data” for a detailed discussion of graphs in EViews, and
“Templates” for a discussion of graph templates. See
Graph::graph for graph declaration and other graph types.