Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Spool
String Values
Scalar Values
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LaTeX Options
Spool object. Container for output objects.
Spool Declaration
spool create spool object.
To declare a spool object, use the keyword spool, followed by the object name:
spool myspool
In addition, you may create a new spool by redirecting print jobs to the spool
output(s) mynewspool
Spool Views
display display the contents of the spool.
label label information for the spool object.
Spool Procs
addfolder adds an object folder to a spool.
append append objects to a spool.
clearhist clear the contents of the history attribute.
clearremarks clear the contents of the remarks attribute.
comment assign a comment to an object in a spool.
copy creates a copy of the spool.
displayname assign a display name to an object in a spool.
extract extract a copy of an object in a spool.
flatten remove tree hierarchy from the spool or specified embedded spool.
graphmode set the display mode for graphs in the spool.
hide hides objects of specified type.
horizindent sets the horizontal indentation for the spool.
insert insert objects into a spool.
leftmargin sets the left margin of the spool or a specified embedded spool.
move move an object in the spool.
name rename an object in a spool.
olepush push updates to OLE linked objects in open applications.
options set display options for a spool.
print print an object in a spool.
remove remove objects from a spool.
save save spool object to disk as an a tab-delimited ASCII text, CSV, RTF or LaTeX file.
setattr set the value of an object attribute.
setfont set the font for title and comments.
setzoom set the zoom level of the spool default display view.
show displays objects of specified type.
tablemode set the display mode for tables and text objects in the spool.
title assign or change the title of a spool.
topmargin sets the top margin of the spool or a specified embedded spool.
vertindent sets the vertical indentation for the spool.
vertspacing sets the amount of vertical spacing between objects in the spool.
width change or reset the width of an object in the spool.
Spool Data Members
String Values
@attr("arg") string containing the value of the arg attribute, where the argument is specified as a quoted string.
@description string containing the Spool’s description (if available).
@detailedtype string with the object type: “SPOOL”.
@displayname string containing the Spool’s display name. If the Spool has no display name set, the name is returned.
@name string containing the Spool’s name.
@objname(i) string containing name of the i-th object in the spool.
@objtype(i) string containing type of the i-th object in the spool (“graph”, “table”, “text”, “spool”).
@remarks string containing the Spool’s remarks (if available).
@type string with the object type: “SPOOL”.
@updatetime string representation of the time and date at which the Spool was last updated.
Scalar Values
@count number of base objects in the spool.
@totalcount number of objects in a flattened version of the spool.
Spool Examples
spool myspool
myspool.append ser1.line
myspool.insert(offset=first) ser2.line
myspool.displayname untitled01 "Unemployment Rate"
myspool.options displaynames
Adds an object folder to a spool.
spool_name.addfolder(options) folder_name
Should an object or folder with the same name as folder_name already exist, the next available number will be appended to the folder_name.
Note: folders cannot be added to spool objects that are nested inside other spool objects.
The options below are used to specify a point of insertion for the folder being added. If a point of insertion is not specified, the folder is appended to the bottom of the spool.
arg may be an integer position in the spool or the name of an existing object in the spool. The inserted object will be placed before or after arg, as specified by the offset option below.
offset=arg, (default= “before”)
arg indicates where the object should be inserted relative to the object specified in the “loc=” option above. arg may be “before” (default) or “after”.
spool01.addfolder tables
adds a folder named TABLES to the end of the SPOOL01 object.
Given that the object GR1 already exists in SPOOL1,
spool01.addfolder(loc=gr1) output
inserts a folder named OUTPUT in the current location of GR1.
See Spool::move for adding and removing objects to and from a folder. For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Append objects to a spool.
spool_name.append(options) object_list
where object_list is a list of one or more objects to be appended to the spool. You may specify a view for each object, otherwise the default view will be used.
Set the names of the objects in the spool. arg is a space delimited list of new names for the list of objects being added to the spool. If this option is omitted, the names will be UNTITLED01, UNTITLED02, etc.
Will remove any existing objects with the same name when used in conjunction with the name=arg option.
To insert a line graph view of series SER1 and a bar graph view of SER2 as the last objects in SPOOL01:
spool01.append ser1.line ser2.bar
To replace a preexisting object X in SPOOL01 with the line graph view of series SER1:
spool01.append(name=X, mode=overwrite) ser1.line
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”. See also Spool::insert and Spool::remove.
Clear the contents of the history attribute for spool objects.
Removes the spool’s history attribute, as shown in the label view of the spool.
The first line removes the history from the spool S1, and the second line displays the label view of S1, including the now blank history field.
See “Labeling Objects” for a discussion of labels and display names.
See also Spool::label.
Clear the contents of the remarks attribute.
Removes the spool’s remarks attribute, as shown in the label view of the spool.
The first line removes the remarks from the spool S1, and the second line displays the label view of S1, including the now blank remarks field.
See “Labeling Objects” for a discussion of labels and display names.
See also Spool::label.
Assign a comment to an object in the spool.
spool_name.comment object_arg new_comment
where new_comment specifies the comment for the object specified in object_arg, where object_arg is the name or position of the object. Surround object_name with quotation marks for multiple word comments.
spool01.comment state/tab1 "The state population of Alabama as found\nfrom http://www.census.gov/popest/states/NST-ann-est.html."
assigns the following comment to object TAB1 embedded in the STATE object:
“The state population of Alabama as found
from http://www.census.gov/popest/states/NST-ann-est.html.”
The “\n” is used to indicate the start of a new line in the comment.
See “Labeling Objects” for a discussion of labels and display names.
See also Spool::label.
Creates a copy of the spool.
Creates either a named or unnamed copy of the spool.
spool_name.copy dest_name
creates an unnamed copy of the spool S1.
s1.copy s2
creates S2, a copy of the spool S1.
See also copy.
Display contents of a spool object.
display is the default view for a spool.
displays the contents of SPOOL01.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Assign a display name to an object in the spool.
spool_name.displayname(options) object_arg new_name
where new_name specifies the display name for the object in object_arg, and object_arg is the name or position of the object. Surround object_arg with quotation marks for multiple word display names. Note that the case will be preserved in new_name.
Default - sets the display name for the spool object.
NOTE - object_arg is not applicable in this case.
spool01.displayname state/tab1 "Unemployment Rate"
assigns the “Unemployment Rate” displayname to the object TAB1, which is a child of the STATE spool.
spool01.displayname(d) "Hours worked"
attaches a display name “Hours Worked” to the spool object SPOOL1.
See “Labeling Objects” for a discussion of labels and display names. See also Spool::label.
Extracts a copy of the specified object in a spool.
spool_name.extract(name) object_name
where object_name is the object to be extracted from the spool, and object_name is the optional name of the new object.
Optional name of the new object to be created. An untitled copy will be created if a name is not provided.
spool01.extract(tab1_copy) tab1
creates a copy of table TAB1 and names the copy TAB1_COPY.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::print, Spool::insert and Spool::remove.
Removes tree hierarchy from the spool or specified embedded spool.
spool_name.flatten [object_list]
where object_list is an optional list of one or more embedded spools to be flattened. If an object_list is not provided, the entire spool will be flattened.
flattens the entire spool SPOOL01.
spool01.flatten myspool1
flattens only the embedded spool MYSPOOL1.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Set display mode for graphs in the spool.
spool_name.graphmode(options) [size_arg]
where size_arg is an optional size argument (in virtual inches) used for the “fixed” and “variablelimit” modes, and the options are used to specify the mode. If size_arg is not provided, the default setting will be used.
type=arg (default=“fixed”)
where arg is “fixed”, “variable”, or “variablelimit”.
The “fixed” mode specifies the width of all graph objects in the spool, while “variable” allows graphs to be displayed at their native sizes. The “variablelimit” mode allows graphs to be displayed at native sizes unless their widths exceed a specified limit value.
spool01.graphmode(type=fixed) 5
sets all graphs to be displayed at a fixed size of 5 virtual inches, while
displays graphs at their native sizes.
allows graphs to be displayed at their native sizes unless they exceed the specified variable limit. Note that native sizes for graphs are a function of the default table font.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::tablemode.
Hides objects of specified type.
where object_list is a list of object types that will be made hidden in addition to what is already hidden. Object_list may be one or more of the following values: “graphs,” “tables,” and “text.”
spool01.hide(graphs, text)
hides all the graph and text objects in the spool object SPOOL01.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Change the horizontal indentation size for objects in the spool.
spool_name.horizindent object_arg size_arg
where object_arg is the name or the position of a specific object to which you wish to apply indenting, and size_arg is an new indentation in virtual inches.
spool01.horizindent 1 0.02
spool01.horizindent tab1 0.02
changes the indentation for both the first object in the spool and for TAB1 to 0.02 virtual inches.
To refer to a child object of a spool, you must specify the object’s path. For instance, given a spool SPOOL01 containing the spool SP1 which in turn contains the graph G2:
spool01.horizindent sp1/g2 0.03
also changes the horizontal indentation of G2 in the embedded spool SP1 to 0.03 virtual inches, while
spool01.horizindent sp1 0.03
sets the indentation for the object SP1 to 0.03.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::leftmargin, Spool::topmargin, Spool::vertspacing.
Insert objects into a spool.
spool_name.insert(options) object_list
where object_list is a list of one or more objects to be inserted into the spool at the position specified in the options. If you do not specify a view for an object in the list, the default view will be used.
If neither a location nor an offset are specified in the options, the object will be inserted at the end of the spool.
loc = arg
arg may be an integer position in the spool or the name of an existing object in the spool. The inserted object will be placed before or after arg, as specified by the offset option below. An object name must include its path if it is a child of another spool. For example, use “spool1/gr1” to specify a graph GR1 in spool SPOOL1.
offset = arg, (default= “before”)
arg indicates that the object should be inserted relative to the object specified in the “loc=” option above. arg may be “before” or “after” (default= “before”).
In addition, if the location specified by the “loc=” option corresponds to a spool object, arg may be “first” or “last”, where the object will be inserted as the first or last object in the spool object specified (default= “last”).
Set the names of the objects in the spool. arg is a space delimited list of new names for the list of objects being added to the spool. If this UNTITLED01, UNTITLED02, etc.
Will remove any existing objects with the same name when used in conjunction with the name=arg option.
If neither a location nor an offset are specified, the object will be inserted at the end of the spool. If an offset is provided without a location, the object will be inserted relative to the main spool. Providing a location without an offset instructs EViews to insert the object at the location specified, pushing all objects proceeding and including object_name down the list of objects.
To insert a line graph view of the series SER1 as the last object in SPOOL01:
spool01.insert ser1.line
To insert TAB1 as the first object in SPOOL01:
spool01.insert(offset=first) tab1
Given a graph GR1,
spool01.insert(loc=gr1) tab1 tab2
inserts TAB1 in the current location of GR1 and TAB2 immediately following. All objects from GR1 onward are pushed down the list of objects.
Alternately, if SP1 is a spool object,
spool01.insert(loc=sp1,offset=last) ser1.line ser1.bar
inserts a line graph and bar graph view of series SER1 as the last objects in SP1. If “offset=last” is omitted, the objects will be inserted before SPOOL1.
To refer to a child object of a spool, you must specify the object’s path. For instance, given a spool SPOOL01 containing the spool SPOOL1, which in turn contains a graph G2:
spool01.insert(loc=sp1/g2) tab1
inserts TAB1 before graph G2 in spool SPOOL1, and moves the remaining objects down.
To replace a preexisting object X in SPOOL01 with the line graph view of series SER1:
spool01.insert(name=X, mode=overwrite) ser1.line
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::append and Spool::remove.
Display or change the label view of a spool object, including the last modified date and display name (if any).
spool_name.label(options) [text]
When used with options or the text argument, label displays the current spool label. The second version may be used to modify the label. Specify one of the following options along with optional text. If there is no text provided, the specified field will be cleared.
Clears all text fields in the label.
Sets the description field to text.
Sets the source field to text.
Sets the units field to text.
Appends text to the remarks field as an additional line.
Print the label view.
The following lines replace the remarks field of SP1 with “Data from CPS 1988 March File”:
sp1.label(r) Data from CPS 1988 March File
To append additional remarks to SP1, and then to print the label view:
sp1.label(r) Log of hourly wage
To clear and then set the units field, use:
sp1.label(u) Millions of bushels
See “Labeling Objects” for a discussion of labels.
See also Spool::displayname.
Changes the left margin size of the spool or of a specified embedded spool.
spool_name.leftmargin(options) size_arg
where size_arg is the new margin value specified in virtual inches.
where arg is the name or position of the embedded spool for which you wish to set a margin.
spool01.leftmargin 0.01
sets the left margin for SPOOL01 to 0.01 virtual inch,
spool01.topmargin(obj=sp1) 0.02
changes the left margin in the embedded spool SP1 to 0.02 virtual inches.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::horizindent, Spool::topmargin, and Spool::vertindent.
Move an object in a spool.
spool_name.move(options) object_arg
where object_arg is the object to be moved specified as an integer position in the spool or the name of an existing object in the spool. The options specify the destination position. If neither a location nor offset are specified in the options, the object will be moved to the end of the spool.
loc = arg
arg may be an integer position in the spool or the name of an existing object in the spool. The object will be moved before or after arg, as specified by the offset option below. An object name must include its path if it is a child of another spool. For example, use “spool1/gr1” to specify a graph GR1 in spool SPOOL1.
offset = arg
arg indicates that the object should be inserted relative to the object specified in the “loc=” option above. arg may be “before” or “after” (default= “before”).
In addition, if the location specified by the “loc=” option corresponds to a spool object, arg may be “first” or “last”, where the object will be inserted as the first or last object in the spool object specified (default= “last”).
To move the first object in SPOOL01 to the end of the spool:
spool01.move 1
To move TAB1 to the beginning of SPOOL01:
spool01.move(offset=first) tab1
Given objects GR1 and TAB1,
spool01.move(loc=gr1) tab1
moves TAB1 to the current location of GR1. All objects from GR1 onward are pushed down the list of objects.
Alternately, if SP1 is an embedded spool.
spool01.move(loc=sp1, offset=last) 3
moves the third object to the end of SP1. If “offset=last” is omitted, the object will be moved to just before SP1.
To refer to a child object of a spool, you must specify the object’s path. For instance, given a spool SPOOL01 containing the spool SP1 which in turn contains the graph G2:
spool01.move(loc=sp1/g2) tab1
moves TAB1 before graph G2 in spool SP1, and moves the remaining objects down.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::insert.
Rename an object in a spool.
spool_name.name object_arg new_name
where object_arg is the name or the position of the object to be renamed, and new_name specifies the new name. new_name should follow EViews’ standard naming conventions. Note that the case will be discarded; for case-sensitive names, use the Spool::displayname command.
spool01.name untitled01 tab1
renames the object UNTITLED01 to TAB1.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::displayname.
Push updates to OLE linked objects in open applications.
See “Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)” for a discussion of using OLE with EViews.
Set the display options for the spool object.
spool_name.options option_list
where option_list contains one or more of the options listed below.
tree / -tree
[Display / Hide] the tree window.
borders /
[Display / Hide] borders around the child objects.
titles / -titles
[Display / Hide] the titles or names of child objects.
comments /
[Display / Hide] the comments of child objects.
displaynames /
Show the [display names / unique names] of child objects.
margins /
[Apply / Don’t apply] spool margins to the child objects.
Each option may be preceded by a “+” or “–” indicating whether to turn on or off the option. The “+” is optional.
spool01.options -tree margins titles displaynames
removes the tree pane from the window, uses the global spool margins, turns on titles, and uses the display name for the title.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::name, Spool::displayname and Spool::label.
Print an object in a spool.
The object will be printed to the location specified by the current printer settings.
spool_name.print object_arg
where object_arg is the name or the position of the object to be printed.
spool01.print tab1
prints the object TAB1 found in SPOOL01.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also print and Spool::extract.
Remove objects from a spool.
spool_name.remove object_list
where object_list is a list of objects to be removed from the spool.
spool01.remove tab1 state/city
removes table object TAB1 from SPOOL01. Also removes the CITY object from the STATE spool, which is a child of SPOOL01. Note that a path is required for child objects. For instance, if TAB1 is a child of another object such as STATE, nothing will be removed.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::append and Spool::insert.
Save spool object to disk as a tab-delimited ASCII text, RTF, CSV, PDF, LaTeX, or MD file.
spool_name.save(options) [path]\file_name
Follow the keyword with a name for the file. file_name may include the file type extension, or the file type may be specified using the “t=” option.
If an explicit path is not specified, the file will be stored in the default directory, as set in the File Locations global options.
The MD (Markdown) setting uses very basic syntax and should be usable in most editors.
t=file_type (default= “txt”)
Specifies the file type, where file_type may be: “rtf” (Rich-text format), “txt” (tab-delimited text), “csv” (comma-separated values format, CSV), “pdf” (Portable Document Format, PDF), “tex” (LaTeX ), or “md” (Markdown).
Files will be saved with the “.rtf”, “.txt”, “.csv”, “pdf”, “tex”, or “md” extensions, respectively.
If you specify a text or CSV file, graphs in the spool will not be written to the file.
Include object titles.
Include object comments.
Force the dialog to appear from within a program.
PDF Options
Multiple object handling: “i” (each object on individual page), “c” (continuous), or “f” (fit to page)
Save in landscape mode (the default is to save in portrait mode).
size=arg (default=“letter”)
Page size: “letter”, “legal”, “a4”, and “custom”.
width=number (default=8.5)
Page width in inches if “size=custom”.
height=number (default=11)
Page height in inches if “size=custom”.
leftmargin=number (default=0.5)
Left margin width in inches.
rightmargin=number (default = 0.5)
Right margin width in inches.
topmargin=number (default=1)
Top margin width in inches.
bottommargin= number (default = 1)
Bottom margin width in inches.
LaTeX Options
texspec / -texspec
[Include / Do not include] the full LaTeX documentation specification in the LaTeX output. The default behavior is taken from the global default settings.
spool01.save(t=rtf, title) c:\temp\spool01
saves SPOOL01 to an RTF file named “spool01.rtf” in the “C:\TEMP” directory, and precedes each object in the spool with its title.
spool01.save(comment) spool01.txt
saves SPOOL01 to a text file named “spool01.txt” in the current directory, and precedes each object in the spool with its associated comment if one exists.
For additional discussion see “Saving a Spool”.
Set the object attribute.
spool_name.setattr(attr) attr_value
Sets the attribute attr to attr_value. Note that quoting the arguments may be required. Once added to an object, the attribute may be extracted using the @attr data member.
a.setattr(revised) never
String s = a.@attr("revised")
sets the “revised” attribute in the object A to the string “never”, and extracts the attribute into the string object S.
See “Adding Custom Attributes in the Label View” and “Adding Your Own Label Attributes”.
Set the font for title and comments.
spool_name.setfont font_args
where font_args may include one or more of the options listed below.
[face], [pt], [+/-b], [+/-i], [+/-u], [+/-s]
Set characteristics of the font for the spool titles and comments. The font name (face), size (pt), and characteristics are all optional. Face should be a valid font name, enclosed in double quotes. pt should be the font size in points. The remaining options specify whether to turn on/off boldface (b), italic (i), underline (u), and strikeout (s) styles.
spool1.setfont “Times New Roman” +i
sets the title and comment font to Times New Roman italic.
spool1.setfont 8pt
changes the font to 8 point.
spool1.setfont +b -i
removes the italic, and adds boldface.
spool1.setfont -s +u 14pt
changes the point size to 14, removes strikethrough, and adds underscoring.
spool1.setfont “Batang” 14pt +u
changes the typeface to Batang, and adds underscoring.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Sets the zoom level of the spool default display view.
spool_name.setzoom zoom_arg
where zoom_arg specifies the zoom level in percent. The zoom_arg must be one of the following values: 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200.
spool1.setzoom 150
sets the zoom level of the default spool view to 150% for spool SPOOL1.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Displays objects of specified type.
where object_list is a list of object types that will be made visible in addition to what is already visible. Object_list may be one or more of the following values: “graphs,” “tables,” and “text.”
spool01.show(tables, text)
makes visible all the table and text objects in the spool object SPOOL01.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Declare a spool object.
spool spool_name
where spool_name is the name to be given the new object.
spool myspool
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
Set display mode for tables and text objects in the spool.
spool_name.tablemode(options) [size_arg]
where size_arg is an optional size argument (in virtual inches) used for the “variablelimit” mode, and options may be used to specify the mode. If size_arg is not provided, the default EViews setting will be used.
where arg is “variable” or “variablelimit” (default).
The “variablelimit” mode may be used to specify the maximum size of table objects in the spool, while “variable” allows tables to be displayed at their native sizes.
spool01.tablemode(type=variablelimit) 5
sets all table to be displayed with a maximum width of 5 virtual inches, while
displays tables at their original sizes.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::graphmode.
Assign or change the title of a spool.
spool_name.title title_arg
where title_arg is a case sensitive string which may contain spaces and carriage returns.
spool1.title Estimated Models\nfor 2017
sets a two line title for SPOOL1 where the first line is "Estimated Models" and the second line is "for 2017."
clears the SPOOL1 title.
See also Spool::displayname and Spool::label.
Changes the top margin size of the spool or of a specified embedded spool.
spool_name.topmargin(options) size_arg
where size_arg is the new margin value specified in virtual inches.
where arg is the name or position of the embedded spool for which you wish to set a margin.
spool01.topmargin 0.01
sets the top margin for SPOOL01 to 0.01 virtual inch,
spool01.topmargin(obj=sp1) 0.02
changes the top margin in the embedded spool SP1 to 0.02 virtual inches.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::vertindent, Spool::vertspacing, and Spool::horizindent.
Change the vertical indentation size for objects in the spool.
spool_name.vertindent object_arg size_arg
where object_arg is the name or the position of a specific object to which you wish to apply indenting, and size_arg is an new indentation in virtual inches.
spool01.vertindent 1 0.02
spool01.vertindent tab1 0.02
change the indentation for the first object and for TAB1 to 0.02 virtual inches.
To refer to a child object of a spool, you must specify the object’s path. For instance, given a spool SPOOL01 containing the spool SP1 which in turn contains the graph G2:
spool01.vertindent sp1/g 0.03
also changes the vertical indentation of G2 in the embedded spool SP1 to 0.03 virtual inches, while
spool01.vertindent sp1 0.03
sets the indentation for SP1 to 0.03.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::topmargin, Spool::vertspacing, and Spool::horizindent.
Changes the amount of vertical spacing for objects in the spool or in a specified embedded spool.
spool_name.vertspacing(options) size_arg
where size_arg is an new spacing in virtual inches. By default, spacing will be set for all objects in the spool.
where object_arg is the name or the position of a specific embedded spool for which you wish to set spacing.
spool01.vertspacing 0.05
specifies the vertical spacing for all objects in the spool at 0.05 vertical inches.
spool01.vertspacing(obj=sp1) 0.05
sets the vertical spacing at 0.05 only for the objects in the embedded spool SP1.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.
See also Spool::vertindent, and Spool::topmargin.
Changes the width (and height) of objects in the spool.
spool_name.width(options) [size_arg]
where size_arg is an optional size in virtual inches. By default, widths will be set for all objects in the spool, if possible (i.e., the graph object is not specified as fixed width, and the width is within limits defined by the current display mode; see Spool::graphmode and Spool::tablemode, for details).
Heights are set proportional to the width to maintain the original aspect ratio.
If size_arg is not provided, the objects will be set to their default sizes.
where arg is the name or the position of a specific object or embedded spool to which you wish to apply sizing.
where arg specifies a restricted subset of objects to be resized: “graph”, “table”, “text”.
If the specified object is an embedded spool, all of its objects will be sized accordingly.
spool01.width 1
resizes all objects in the spool to 1 virtual inch, while
spool01.width(obj=1) 2
spool01.width(obj=tab1) 2
changes the widths of the first object and TAB1 to 2 virtual inches. The heights of the objects will change proportionately.
resets the sizes of the objects to their defaults.
To refer to a child object of a spool, you must specify the object’s path. For instance, given a spool SPOOL01 containing the spool SP1 which in turn contains the graph G2:
spool01.width(obj=sp1/g2) 2
also changes the width of G2 in the embedded spool SP1 to 2 virtual inches, while
spool01.width(obj=sp1) 3
sets the width for all of the objects in SP1 to 3 virtual inches.
spool01.width(type=graph) 2
sets the widths of graphs to 2 virtual inches.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.