New Features in EViews 12 : Command Language
Command Language
Object Data Members
Equation Data Members
Scalar values
Vectors and Matrices
Model Data Members
Series Data Members
Table Data Members
Updated Command List
Updated Object List
Equation Methods
Equation Views
Equation Procs
Object Data Members
EViews 12 offers an expanded set of object data members that provide access to information about the object.
Equation Data Members
Scalar values
@lambdamin minimum lambda value from ENET cross-validation (new).
Vectors and Matrices
@cvtrainindices training set indices for ENET cross-validation (new).
@cvtestindices test set indices for ENET cross-validation (new).
Model Data Members
String values
@depends("variable") string containing the variables that variable depends on (new).
@upends("variable") string containing the variables that depend on variable (new).
Series Data Members
@hilo string containing the series object’s high-to-low frequency conversion method (new).
@lohi string containing the series object’s low-to-high frequency conversion method (new).
Table Data Members
String values
(i,j) the (i,j)-th element of the table, formatted as a string (updated).
Scalar values
@colwidth(i) the column width of the i-th column in the table (new).
@rowheight(i) the row height of the i-th row in the table (new).
@val(i,j) the numerical value of the (i,j)-th element of the table (new).
Updated Command List
dbopen open a database (updated).
logeval sends result of the command to a log window.
pagesave save page into a workfile or a foreign data source(updated).
wfsave save workfile to disk as a workfile or a foreign data source(updated).
Updated Object List
Equation Methods
arch estimate autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH and GARCH)updated
enet elastic net regression (including Lasso and ridge regression) updated
funcoef functional coefficients regression updated
ls equation using least squares or nonlinear least squares (updated).
midas estimate an equation using Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) regressionupdated.
varsel equation estimation using least squares with variable selection (uni-directional, stepwise, swapwise, combinatorial, Auto-GETS, Lasso)
Equation Views
cvtestindices matrix of the test set indices for observations and cross-validation sets .
cvtrainindices matrix of the training set indices for observations and cross-validation sets .
funbias functional coefficients equation bias results updated.
funbw functional coefficients equation bandwidth results updated.
funci functional coefficients equation coefficient confidence intervals updated.
funcov functional coefficients covariance results updated.
funtest perform functional coefficients hypothesis and stability tests updated.
newsimpact display a news-impact graph of equations estimated using GARCH nyblom perform the Nyblom test of parameter stability or structural change in equations estimated using GARCH signbias perform the Sign-bias test (Engle and Ng, 1993) of misspecification in equations estimated using GARCH
Equation Procs
fit static forecastupdated.
forecast dynamic forecastupdated.
makefunobj save coefficients, residuals, bias, variance, and confidence intervals for functional coefficients equations (new).
setpilotbw compute and set the value of the local pilot bandwidth (for functional coefficients equations) (new).
Factor Methods
gls generalized least squares estimationupdated.
ipf iterated principal factors estimationupdated.
ml maximum likelihood estimationupdated.
pace non-iterative partitioned covariance estimation (PACE)updated.
pf principal factors estimationupdated.
uls unweighted least squares estimationupdated.
Factor Views
fsel display results of Bai and Ng or Ahn and Horenstein factor selection techniques.
Geomap Procs
autocrop calculates and resets the minimum viewable size of a geomap
Graph Creation Command
line line-symbol graph (updated).
Graph Procs
delete removes all objects of specified type from a graph object (new).
draw draw lines and shaded areas on the graph (updated).
save save graph to a graphics file (updated).
Group Views
pcomp principal components analysis on the members of the group (updated).
uroot2 Compute dependent (second generation) panel unit root tests on a group of series ().
Matrix Views
pcomp principal components analysis of the columns in a matrix (updated).
Model Procs
control solve for values of control variables so that targets match trajectories (updated).
fliptype respecify model by selecting a new set of endogenous variables.
Pool Methods
ls estimate linear regression models including cross-section weighted least squares, and fixed and random effects models (updated).
Pool Views
uroot2 compute dependent (second generation) panel unit root tests on a pool series ().
Series Views
uroot2 compute dependent (second generation) panel unit root tests on a series in a panel workfile ().
waveanova compute the wavelet variance decomposition of the series ().
wavedecomp compute the wavelet transform of the series ().
waveoutlier perform wavelet outlier detection for the series ().
wavethresh perform wavelet thresholding (denoising) of the series ().
Series Procs
makewavelets save wavelet results to workfile ().
Table Procs
save save table as CSV, tab-delimited ASCII text, RTF, HTML, Enhanced Metafile, PDF, TEX, or MD file on disk (updated).
setfillcolor set the fill (background) color of a set of table cells (updated).
transpose transposes a set of cells in the table.
Text Procs
save save text object to disk as an ASCII text, RTF, HTML, PDF, TEX, or MD file.
Valmap Procs
append append a definition to a valmap (updated).
Var View
impulse impulse response functions.