MA roots
@mae C:575, C:612
@mape C:575, C:612
Markov switching VAR
O:956Match operator in database query
Mathematical functions C:569
Cholesky factorization
C:695column standard deviation
C:707column trimmed mean
C:708convert to other matrix objects
C:282covert from series or group (drop NAs)
C:745covert from series or group (keep NAs)
C:746descriptive statistics
O:467element greater than
C:714element greater than or equal to
C:714element less than or equal to
C:716elementwise operations
C:277generalized inverse
C:733permute columns of using vector of ranks
C:736permute rows of using vector of ranks
C:701place vector in column
C:700ranks of the elements of the matrix
C:735reverse sweep operator
C:740scale rows or columns
C:741stack lower triangular columns
C:755standardize (population)
C:745standardize columns of matrix
C:702trend coef for columns
C:708vertical concatenation
C:754Matrix commands and functions
Matrix concatenation
C:722Matrix cumulative sum
C:709Matrix operators
comparison operators
C:275order of evaluation
C:273@mav C:584, C:612
@mavc C:584, C:612
@max C:576, C:612
@maxes C:576, C:612,
C:729 Maximization
See also Optimization (user-defined).
Maximum C:576, C:612
by category C:588, C:612
cumulative C:579, C:581, C:607
index C:575
matrix columns index
C:696matrix element by element
C:717moving C:583, C:585, C:613
n-largest numbers C:576
row-wise C:587, C:617
row-wise index C:587, C:617
Maximum absolute correlation
O:219@maxsby C:588, C:612
@mcor C:585, C:612
@mcov C:584, C:612
@mcovp C:585, C:612
@mcovs C:584, C:612
by category C:588, C:612
cumulative C:578, C:580, C:607
geometric C:575, C:610
harmonic C:575, C:610
moving C:582, C:584, C:612, C:613
row-wise C:586, C:617
trimemd C:578, C:620
@mean C:576, C:612
@meansby C:588, C:612
by category C:588, C:612
Cumulative C:580, C:581
@median C:576, C:612
@mediansby C:588, C:612
Meta data
save graph as Windows metafile.
UI:825Micro TSP
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
pasting graphs and data into
1:865Microsoft Word
pasting graphs and data into
exponential Almon weighting
II:1212@min C:576, C:612
See also Optimization (user-defined).
Minimum C:576, C:612, C:613
by category C:588, C:613
cumulative C:579, C:581, C:607
index C:575
matrix columns index
C:696matrix element by element
C:717moving C:583, C:585, C:613
n-smallest numbers C:576
row-wise C:587, C:617
row-wise index C:587, C:617
@minner C:585, C:612
@mins C:576, C:613
@minsby C:588, C:613
in frequency conversion
UI:172mathematical functions C:569
number of C:576
relational comparisons involving
UI:195Mixed data sampling
Mixed frequency
@mkurt C:585, C:613
@mmax C:585, C:613
@mmin C:585, C:613
@mnas C:585, C:613
@mobs C:585, C:613
@mod C:569, C:613
Model selection
add factor assignment and removal
O:473add factor initialization
O:474append specification line
O:477break all model links
O:507diagnostic messages and iteration history
UII:1826display model check boundaries view
O:478dropping endogenous variables
O:483dropping linked objects
O:483editing scenario data
O:476exclude variables from solution
O:484make from equation object
O:140make from logl object
O:427make from pool object
O:531make from sspace object
O:742make from system object
O:832make from var object
O:942make graph of model series
O:488make group of model series
O:490options for solving
O:503options for stochastic simulation
O:486options for stochastic solving
O:505override add factors
O:475overrides in model solution
O:493reincluding variables
O:495replacing endogenous variables
O:495replacing linked objects
O:496replacing variables
O:497reverting variables to initial values
O:497simultaneous and recursive blocks
UII:1802solve control to match target
O:481trace iteration history
O:506update specification
O:508Modulus C:569, C:613
Moody’s Economy.com
C:349Moody’s Economy.com data
UI:400Moore-Penrose inverse of matrix
C:733@movav C:582, C:613
@movavc C:582, C:613
@movcor C:583, C:613
@movcov C:582, C:613
@movcovp C:583, C:613
@movcovs C:582, C:613
Moving average (ARMA)
C:634Moving statistics C:581
average C:582, C:613
average, centered C:584, C:612
centered mean C:582, C:613
correlation C:583, C:585, C:612, C:613
covariance C:582, C:583, C:584, C:585, C:612, C:613
inner product C:583, C:585, C:612, C:613
kurtosis C:585, C:613
maximum C:583, C:585, C:613
mean C:584, C:612
minimum C:583, C:585, C:613
NAs, number of C:583, C:585, C:613
observations, number of C:583, C:585, C:613
skewness C:583, C:585, C:613, C:614
standard deviation C:582, C:584, C:613, C:614
sum C:581, C:583, C:614
sum of squares C:583, C:585, C:614
variance C:582, C:584, C:614
@movinner C:583, C:613
@movkurt C:583, C:613
@movmax C:583, C:613
@movmin C:583, C:613
@movnas C:583, C:613
@movobs C:583, C:613
@movskew C:583, C:613
@movstdev C:582, C:613
@movstdevp C:582, C:613
@movstdevs C:582, C:614
@movsum C:581, C:583, C:614
@movsumsq C:583, C:614
@movvar C:582, C:614
@movvarp C:582, C:614
@movvars C:582, C:614
@mse C:576, C:614
@mskew C:585, C:614
@mstdev C:584, C:614
@mstdevp C:584, C:614
@mstdevs C:584, C:614
@msumsq C:585, C:614
coefficient variance decomposition
UII:1074Multiplication C:576, C:616
Multiplication operator (*)
C:274Multivariate normal density C:609
Multivariate normal density (Cholesky inverse) C:609
Multivariate normal density (Cholesky) C:609
Multivariate normal density (inverse) C:609
Multivariate normal distribution C:596
Multivariate normal random number generator C:608, C:609, C:617, C:618
Multivariate normal random number generator (Cholesky inverse) C:617
Multivariate normal random number generator (Cholesky) C:617
Multivariate normal random number generator (inverse) C:617
@mvar C:584, C:614
@mvarp C:584, C:614
@mvars C:584, C:614